International Women's Day 2022

Break The Bias is the theme for IWD 2022, and one I deeply resonate with. 

From my experience in the workforce, giving birth and healing from a stroke to building a business and even buying a new car, there is still so much inequality. And this is just in the past 3 years!

Spreading awareness is important because ignorance is a destroyer. 

Today I celebrate women. When we realise how powerful we are, so much changes. Truth be told, we haven't been taught how to harness the power we hold. 

We have a chance to make a difference in this world by the way we raise our future leaders. This is a message I've been spreading since I started Eagle & Owl.

It is my mission to raise my son full of love, compassion and kindness. To treat everyone as an equal, we are all human and we are all connected. 

I treat my son and stepdaughter the same - they get showered with love, they get growled at when they're misbehaving and they get disciplined with the same rules. 

My partner and I treat each other as equals. We both pitch in, no job is beneath us and we can see when the other is struggling and needs a break. 

So how do we create men that see women's as equals, and women that believe men our not our competitors? 

Well, it starts at home. The behaviour we model, the language we use, the way we treat others and the healthy habits we create in our home to nurture and cultivate self-love. When we love who we are wholeheartedly, we love each other and our planet. 

I do all of this using affirmations every day! This is one way I know how to contribute to a better world. It works, it's an easy tool for children to use.

On this day, celebrate women and those around you that are in support of women. 

Together, we can make a difference.  

Carla xx